91 research outputs found

    IT Services Project Management: Lessons Learned From a Case Study in Implementation

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    Project management has gained unprecedented popularity worldwide as companies strive to become more productive, respond quickly to customer needs and stay competitive. However, implementing and managing a formal project-management system is becoming harder as organisations become larger and more complex, the number of the projects undertaken at any given time increases and delivery times become shorter (Levy and Globerson, 2002). This paper includes a review of some of the major multiproject management issues and presents a case study of a successful integrated project-office implementation. Based on the details of the case, a systematic framework that includes the roles and responsibilities, organisational styles and staffing process of an effective project-office programme is developed. Practical guidelines for implementation are presented based on the case and the resulting framework

    Teaching Predictive Model Management in MIS Classrooms: A Tutorial

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    Analytics has become a key element of the business decision process over the last decade. In today’s competitive business world, organizations have found out that their data and how they use it can make them much more competitive. According to many research institutions (e.g., Gartner and McKinsey), the worldwide market for business analytics solutions in practice, research, and education is growing exponentially. As the use of analytics become widespread, business school graduates need to gain the necessary knowledge and skill sets to use these assets effectively. In the spirit of analytical thinking, we developed a practice-oriented business case that uses a sample scenario, managerial dashboards, betting templates, model repository and model performance management metrics that teaches predictive analytics concepts and decision making with incomplete information intended for MIS courses. Through exercises and interactions, students gain the skills, knowledge and experience necessary to be become effective decision makers through applying analytical thinking. Digital copies of workshop lesson plans with dashboard and data entry templates can be downloaded free of charge from the Teradata University Network

    AMCIS 2006 Panel Summary: Towards the Service Oriented Enterprise Vision: Bridging Industry and Academics

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    The complexities and costs of current information architectures, infrastructures, and distributed data and software have provided impetus to emerging conceptualizations of the Service Oriented Enterprise (SOE). The foundations for SOE can be found in current applications of service oriented architecture (SOA), service oriented infrastructure (SOI), business process and workflow, computing resource virtualization, business semantics, service level agreements, increasing standardization, and other areas of applied research. This article reports on a panel held at the 2006 Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) in Acapulco, Mexico, regarding the impacts of SOE tenets on the IS field. Two organizations that are at the leading edge of the SOE continuum [American Express and Intel] in terms of vision and experiences were represented by Margaret Mitchell and George Brown. In addition, MIS academics were represented on the panel by the authors, researchers from Arizona State University. Both industry and academics brought unique perspectives. American Express\u27 SOE approach addresses organizational structure and business intelligence project workflow issues. The company hosts one of the largest IT infrastructures capable of handling untold numbers of transactions each second. Intel\u27s SOE approach addresses the orchestration of services and workflows in the cross-architecture environments characterizing the modern extended global enterprise. Intel is playing a lead role in establishing the OASIS (the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards) SOA Reference Model (called \u27ebSOA\u27)

    Servitized Enterprises for Distributed Collaborative Commerce

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    Servitized Enterprises for Distributed Collaborative Commerce: 10.4018/jssmet.2010010105: Agility and innovation are essential for survival in today’s business world. Mergers and acquisitions, new regulations, rapidly changing technolog

    Service-Oriented Software Development

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    This paper describes a methodology for planning and executing software development projects based on the service-oriented paradigm called Service-Oriented Software Development (SOSD). This does not refer to a methodology for developing software services or service-oriented architectures. Rather, it is a method for managing the process of software development in a service-oriented approach in which the actions performed by individuals and groups are modeled as “services” which can be choreographed and orchestrated. SOSD has been adopted informally by many organizations in various forms and it runs somewhat contrary to some of the recent trends toward agile development methodologies. Interestingly, it performs well in certain situations where agile methods tend to break down. In addition to describing the basics of SOSD and its theoretical underpinnings, we outline its benefits and potential shortcomings. As evidence, project data is provided from a Fortune 500 company which has gradually adopted SOSD over the last two years

    Interparty Social Dynamics in the IT Service Level Agreement Negotiation Process: A Preliminary Assessment of Competing Theories

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    In response to the global economic crisis, organizations are cutting costs and focusing on core competencies. One natural corollary of this situation has been an increased interest in the outsourcing of IT services. Such sourcing relationships are established and maintained via formally negotiated IT service level agreements (SLAs), the goal of which is to generate utility for both parties. Understanding the processes that produce successful IT SLA negotiation outcomes is thus of critical importance. While several well-established social theories seem germane to IT service level agreement negotiations, the predictions of those theories are not entirely compatible and consistent. This paper therefore develops and tests several preliminary research propositions in an effort to assess the applicability of these competing theories to the IT SLA negotiation process